
Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth Urges the SEC to Propose Human Capital Management Rule

In partnership with B Lab U.S. & Canada and over 50 investor, business and philanthropic organizations, the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance sent a letter to SEC Chair Gary Gensler urging movement on the long-awaited rulemaking on corporate human capital management (HCM) disclosures. 

Investors are increasingly demanding clear, consistent and comparable information on material considerations such as a company’s workforce composition, compensation, health and safety, and diversity practices. In response to calls from investors, we encourage the Commission to pursue a comprehensive set of HCM disclosure requirements including universal quantitative and supplementary qualitative and information. 

Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth Applauds the Department of Commerce’s Robust and Equitable Business Diversity Principles Initiative

Last week, the Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth wrote a letter to the Department of Commerce sharing support for the establishment of the Business Diversity Principles Initiative (“BDP Initiative”).

The 60+ members of the Coalition, co-led by the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance and B Lab, represent businesses, investors, and nonprofits, all of whom see the BDP Initiative as a step forward in advancing a more equitable economic landscape. 

Investor and Business Coalition Voices Support for Department of Labor Nominee

The Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth wrote to congressional leaders endorsing Julie Su’s nomination to serve as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor ahead of her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee this week.

Read the Coalition’s full letter.

U.S. Impact Investing Alliance & Peers Call for a Strengthened and Race-Conscious Community Reinvestment Act

Today, the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance joined many of our peers on the Coalition on Inclusive Economic in supporting the most meaningful update to a foundational community investing policy in nearly 30 years. The Alliance and 15 organizations representing businesses, investors, nonprofits and community lenders submitted comments to the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in response to their joint rulemaking to reform the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

The Field Calls on the SEC to Prioritize Human Capital Management Disclosures

In partnership with B Lab and nearly 50 investor, business and philanthropic organizations, the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance wrote to SEC Chair Gensler expressing support for the long-awaited rulemaking on corporate human capital management disclosures.

Related: Read more from our President, Fran Seegull, on how impact investors can set the record straight on the state of ESG investing and the policies necessary to promote a fair, efficient and sustainable investment ecosystem.