System-level Investing

Podcast: State of the Field and Practice of Impact Investing: Episode 68 of Money + Meaning

Impact investors increasingly see their work alongside broader movements, such as reimagining systems, shifting power, promoting equity, combating the climate crisis and more. Tune into the Money + Meaning Podcast to hear from Fran Seegull, Monique Aiken and Cathy Clark on their reflections on the state of the impact investing field and predictions for the year ahead.

Policy Corner: Expanding the ‘S’ in ESG to account for the full scope of corporate impact on workers and communities

[Originally published in ImpactAlpha’s ‘Policy Corner’] From the Great Resignation to the historic worker-organized unionization of an Amazon warehouse in Staten Island, N.Y., worker empowerment represents an increasingly important lever for corporate accountability. The bottom-up grassroots energy, combined with top-down government action, creates a unique opportunity to advance the conversation around the role of corporations in society and the ‘S’ in ESG.